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        1 - Applications of Mullā Ṣadrā’s Psychological Principles in Education
        Mahdi Rezaei
        The basis of education, in general, and Islamic education, in particular, is the human soul (psyche). In order to educate the soul and psyche, there are some principles that are employed to achieve the predetermined goals and objectives. Given the religious approach of More
        The basis of education, in general, and Islamic education, in particular, is the human soul (psyche). In order to educate the soul and psyche, there are some principles that are employed to achieve the predetermined goals and objectives. Given the religious approach of this study and the potentials of the Transcendent Philosophy in this regard, the author has tried to identify and examine the applications of the principles of educating the soul (psyche) based on Mullā Ṣadrā’s philosophical thoughts. Some of these principles include the substance of the soul’s immateriality, the corporeal origination and spiritual subsistence of the soul, and its graded trans-substantial motion in its process of development. Following this, he has dealt with the educational principles inferred from the mentioned principles and the purposes of this study, such as graded transcendence and graduation and transformationalism, reform, and recreation in the process of educating the soul (psyche). This study was conducted following a combination of descriptive-analytic and inferential methods while using library resources in order to describe the concepts and analyze and clarify the problem. The author has specifically referred to Mullā Ṣadrā’s books (particularly al-Asfār, VIII and IX) and the works of some of his commentators in order to extract and infer the related principles employed in the education of the soul. Manuscript profile