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    • List of Articles معاد جسمانيمباني فلسفيمباني تفسيريمباني عرفانيملاصدرا علامه طباطبايي

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        1 - A Comparison of the Views of ‘Allamah Tabataba’i and Mulla Sadra about Corporeal Resurrection
        Mohsen  Izadi
        In the Islamic philosophical-kalami tradition, corporeal resurrection has always been one of the most complicated problems. In fact, the philosophers and mutikallimun before Mulla Sadra either failed to explain it or provided an irrational explanation for it. Following More
        In the Islamic philosophical-kalami tradition, corporeal resurrection has always been one of the most complicated problems. In fact, the philosophers and mutikallimun before Mulla Sadra either failed to explain it or provided an irrational explanation for it. Following Mulla Sadra’s presentation of a rational account of corporeal resurrection, which was in conformity with Shar‘ (religious law), most of the philosophers after him agreed with his theory. Nevertheless, some scholars who did not find his interpretation in conformity with Shar‘ expressed their disagreement with his view. Here, ‘Allamah Tabataba’i, as an advocate of the Transcendent Philosophy, has said nothing about the quality of corporeal resurrection explicitly. Accordingly, some consider him an opponent of Sadrian corporeal resurrection, while some others consider him a follower of Mulla Sadra in this regard. A study of ‘Allamah Tabataba’i’s epistemological geometry manifests the truth that he believed in the notion of corporeal resurrection as intended by Mulla Sadra. This is because, firstly, the philosophical, interpretive, and gnostic principles of ‘Allamah Tabataba’i and Mulla Sadra are in agreement with each other. Secondly, ‘Allamah has expressed neither any disagreement with Mulla Sadra’s theory of corporeal resurrection nor any agreement with that of others. Manuscript profile