A Study of the Role of Perceptive Faculties and their Interactions in the Realization of Dreams, Revelation, and Magic (A Comparison of the Views of Ibn Sīnā and Mullā Ṣadrā)
Subject Areas :Abdulreza Kushki 1 , Furugh al-Sadat Rahimpoor 2 *
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Keywords: interaction of faculties perceptive faculties revelation dream magic Ibn Sīnā Mullā Ṣadrā,
Abstract :
The human soul possesses certain astonishing capabilities, a number of which appear in certain domains beyond the level of common activities. Dreams, revelation, and magic are among such capabilities. This study aims to examine and compare the views of Ibn Sīnā and Mullā Ṣadrā regarding the interactions among perceptive faculties in the realization of these three phenomena. In the eyes of these two philosophers, the outward, inward, and rational faculties interact with each other in order for dreams to be realized. When it comes to revelation, external faculties play no role and, with respect to magic, all perceptive faculties interact to contribute to its realization. Based on his own specific principles, in addition to the effect of the active intellect and heavenly souls, Mullā Ṣadrā also believes in the impact of the disjunctive world of Ideas on perceptive faculties. Moreover, Ibn Sīnā’s lack of commitment to the concomitants of the discussion of the trans-substantial motion has resulted in his presentation of a different explanation for the relationship between the soul and body. In spite of such differences, the views of both philosophers with regard to the quality of the interactions of faculties in multiple cases are, to some extent, close to each other, which could be rooted in their attention to religious texts. Finally, the authors acknowledge that, given the discussions propounded by Ibn Sīnā and Mullā Ṣadrā, one can derive certain strategies in order to improve the functions of perceptive faculties and the interactions among them. In this regard, reference can be made to strengthening the rational faculty, thought control, and temperamental balance.
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