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        1 - Ontological Functions of the Corporeal Dimension of Man in Mullā Ṣadrā’s View
        Hadi  Jafary Ali  Arshad Riahi
        Man’s corporeal dimension is of great significance from various angles in Mullā Ṣadrā’s anthropology. In this paper, the authors deal with one of its important dimensions, that is, its ontological functions. Mullā Ṣadrā has not allocated any independent section to the f More
        Man’s corporeal dimension is of great significance from various angles in Mullā Ṣadrā’s anthropology. In this paper, the authors deal with one of its important dimensions, that is, its ontological functions. Mullā Ṣadrā has not allocated any independent section to the functions of Man’s corporeal dimension in his works and has not even directly referred to it. However, these functions can be inferred from his views. A study of his works indicate that Man’s corporeal dimension performs some important functions from an ontological perspective. In this regard reference can be made to the following functions: developing belief, promotion and evolution of Man, having free will, performing opposite acts, completing mental and rational acts, constructing and improving the world, realizing the noblest order, granting identity to the soul, and developing the identity of the perfect Man and some apparently contradictory roles such as becoming the source of evil and the source of freedom from evil. This study, which has been conducted following the library and content analysis methods, in addition to demonstrating the significance and necessity of Man’s corporeal dimension in the world of creation, illustrates that the functions of this dimension have various aspects from an ontological viewpoint and pertain to a number of important realms in the world of being. Manuscript profile