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        1 - Wisdom; The Lost Commodity of Contemporary Man
        Tuba  Kermani Habib Karkon  Karkon
        Although the terms “philosophy” and “wisdom” are usually used interchangeably, this paper aims to demonstrate that in Islamic philosophy wisdom has a more elevated meaning than philosophy. Based on the definition of wisdom, it deals with concepts such as knowledge of Go More
        Although the terms “philosophy” and “wisdom” are usually used interchangeably, this paper aims to demonstrate that in Islamic philosophy wisdom has a more elevated meaning than philosophy. Based on the definition of wisdom, it deals with concepts such as knowledge of God, assimilation to God, and perfection of the human soul. Thus wisdom bears a close relationship with the behavior of a sage (hakim) and is in conformity with his faith and act. As the life of Muslim sages testifies, unlike a philosopher in the common sense of the word, a hakim’s end is to change into a rational world. Clearly, in the contemporary world, in which most schools of philosophy emphasize skepticism and relativism, one cannot speak of wisdom but can talk about various philosophies. Recent schools of philosophies, more than leading Man towards certainty, keep them far away from it and abandon them in an ocean of doubtful thoughts. Accordingly, wisdom is the lost commodity of all the human beings who seek for certainty. Manuscript profile